
Kim Kardashian nixes plans for music video


Kim Kardashian attempted a career in pop music earlier in the year when she dropped her first single, Jam (Turn It Up), which pretty much sunk without a trace upon its release.
She even recorded a music video for the track, but according to her sisters Khloe and Kourtney, it was NEVER meant for public release, despite behind-the-scenes footage possible being a part of Keeping Up With The Kardashians!
Kourtney explains:
"No, no, no. What was that [footage in the show's commercial]? I think that was a part of her video, maybe. They were there when she was shooting her video. I've never seen it…I think it's for her eyes only."
And Khloe embellishes:
"They were filming that behind-the-scenes, but not the whole music video. But I'm sure you're gonna see [something]. I don't know what they edit into the episodes. I've seen it. It's to die for. Her body is banging, baby…The song was for charity; it wasn't for her to have a recording deal. [It was] something she just wanted to be for herself and for fun, so the video she made just for herself. It was never meant to be played publicly.

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